

Monday, June 8, 2009

MobileBackup v2.0 - Backup Your Phone

The original MobileBackup 1.0,created by John Dickson in 2007,supported only backup of contacts,calendar events and TODOs to a text file on the mobile phone.Version 2.0 brings the ability to import contacts, calendar events and TODOs from such a backup file and can be thus used to either restore previously backed-up data or to import data from another source (as the backup file is a simple text file with entries according to the vCard/vCalendar standard).While the backup has proven itself over the years, the restore still may have some rough edges and I'd rather call it a beta version.

- MIDP 2.0- CLDC 1.1 (though 1.0 also may work)
- the mobile must implement the optional File connection and PIM APIs (JSR 75).

- MobileBackup on my Nokia 6300 fails to create the directory Backup/under the selected root. The error is that mk dir has been called on a non-directory file. Maybe the file path shall be "Backup/" or "Backup\"instead of "Backup"? However in WTK2.5.2 this is without any problem,thus this is likely Nokia or Nokia 6300specific issue.

- Currently a small bug makes therestore to read incorrectly names of PIM lists containing non-ascii characters; as a result, entries from such a list will be stored to the defaul PIM list for that record type (usually Contacts on mobile and Calendar events). The fix is to reread the name using UTF-8 instead of ISO-8859-1.



- Added help (a menu and the help.txt itself).
- Added the ability to restore either from the backup created by this midlet of from any list of vcalendar and/or vevent entries as long as they're supported by the phone.The restore process parses the special heading lines with PIM list name created by MobileBackup and uses them to store the entries into those particular lists (such as SMS or Telephone for a contact entry). Ifthey aren't present, the mobile's default list is used (device-specific).The file to restore from is expected to be /Backup/Backup.txt. Restored entries are appended to the mobile phone,nothing is deleted or updated.

- Debug is true by default; I believe the additional info is not a problem for a user and can provide valuable insight in the case of a problem
- Updated build .xml to include help etc..
- Changed dependency on CLDC to 1.1 from 1.0 to have Thread.interrupt()in Restore Screen. If needed, this ability to interrupt can be removed and dependency set back to 1.0.Don't know if there is any serious issue trying to run this on CLDC 1.0 mobile.

- 'Start' button on the backup screen removed after start to prevent confusion (deleteAll() seems not to work under Nokia 6300)
- added a message that backup has started when started to avoid confusion due to the message "PressStart to backup" (deleteAll() seems not to work under Nokia 6300)

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